Request a Brochure
The following brochures are available for download and require Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here to download Reader).
- High Pressure Humidification
- Silvermist Compressed Air Humidification
- Space Humidifier
- Hot Spot Coolers
- In-Duct Humidification
- Gas Turbine Inlet Cooling
- AMCO Integrated Systems
For more information on a printed brochure:
AMCO - American Moistening Company
10402 Rodney Street
Pineville, North Carolina, USA 28134
Phone: 704.889.7281
Fax: 704.889.7270
10402 Rodney Street
Pineville, NC, USA 28134
Phone: (704) 889-7281
Fax: (704) 8897270
Divisions: Commercial & Industrial Humidification Control Systems Division|Water Treatment Division
Gas Turbine Cooling Division|Control Panel Division

Proudly manufactured in the USA for over 100 years.